[WriteLog] Generated noise

Joe Subich, W4TV lists at subich.com
Tue Jul 3 14:30:49 EDT 2018

Replace the USB cable with one that has a proper shield (screen)
and/or wind half a dozen turns through a #31 mix toroid on each
end of the cable.

WL polls the rig, what you are hearing is the wideband noise on
the square wave data signals on the USB cable.


    ... Joe, W4TV

On 2018-07-03 11:34 AM, geoff plucknett via WriteLog wrote:
> I've only noticed this since updating to v12.29G in June. Computer is connected to IC-7610 via USB lead with everything set for COM3 and 4 as standard. When I bring up WL a load of hash noise of around S7 appears on the receiver, specifically on 14 MHz but seems to cover at least 1 MHz either side. The noise disappears when WL is switched off. Not something I've seen before. Any thoughts?
> Geoff G4FKA
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