[WriteLog] FW: FT8 UPDATE

JOHN SCHROEDER n6qq at msn.com
Mon Jul 23 20:07:59 EDT 2018


This line was missing from my WSJT LOG FILE.

WSJT-X ADIF Export<eoh>

Needs to be at the top of the file

After adding the line, everything looks like it loaded OK

73, John -- N6QQ


From: JOHN SCHROEDER<mailto:n6qq at msn.com>
Sent: Monday, July 23, 2018 4:37 PM
To: support at writelog.com<mailto:support at writelog.com>
Subject: FT8

I update my software to 12.30D

When I try to upload my wsjt adi file – no luck so far -

The VHF log does have 35 Q’s for SSB and CW.

Enclosed are the VHF log and the WSJT file  (FT8)

Any ideas ??

73, John -- N6QQ


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