[WriteLog] FKeys utility issue with 12.27C

Keith Regli keith at kregli.com
Thu May 10 20:59:25 EDT 2018

For those who use my little FKeys utility with WriteLog.

I just noticed something that has stopped working.  The "Clear QSO"
function no longer works via FKeys in WriteLog 12.27C.  It looks like this
may have changed a version or two ago, but I haven't been operating much
lately.  There may be some other things that have changed in WL that cause
functions to stop - it'll take me a while to find them.

There is an easy fix for this one.  First edit the fkeys.ini file using
Notepad.exe.  Search for the line that starts with "menu60=".

menu60=101|Entry/Clear QSO
menu60=399|Entry/Clear QSO
Save the fkeys.ini file.

If one of your FKeys buttons uses this function you'll have to also edit
the fkeys.ini file to change that line as well.  The buttons usually appear
near the start of the ini file.  Look for something like:

[Button Map]
Button01=[F11]|F11 cq|0
Button02=[F3]|F3 qrz|0
Button04=[F2]|F2 call|0
Button05=[F4]|F4 s&p|0

In this case you'll notice Button06 and Button07 use the {101} menu item.
Change both of these to 399.


The next time you start FKeys it should work normally.

Keith Regli
​ (K7KAR)​

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