[WriteLog] RTTY setup with 2 tone?

Alan Maenchen ad6e at arrl.net
Wed Feb 6 03:51:38 EST 2019

I think I have Writelog setup for RTTY now.  Since I don't do RTTY very
often it's always a re-learning experience to get it running again.

I have MMTTY running and it seems to work OK. No signals on the air to try
it at the moment.

I did a Rttyrite clone (RX only) and tried to open 2 tone for a second
demodulator. However, it gives me an error message about you can't open 2
tone standalone, use it with a logger. Well, I am. I have XMMT.ocx selected
and it works fine with MMTTY that way, But 2 tone doesn't seem to like it.

I ran into this problem before but it was a few years back and I don't
remember the "trick" to get it running. Any help?

Writelog 12.36K
2 Tone 16.11a  (older versions - same problem)

73, Alan  AD6E

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