[WriteLog] WL with AirSpy HF+ SDR

Wayne support at writelog.com
Sun Jun 16 20:13:03 EDT 2019

> I am trying to use an AirSpy HF+ SDR hooked to the Rx out port of my K3 to
> work with the bandmap in WriteLog.  It kind of works, but I am not seeing
> the waterfall display (only the spectrum).  Is anyone else using this combo
> that could tell me what ExtIO.dll they are using and what settings?
For the "spectrum without waterfall" issue, there is a menu in the Band
Map on right mouse button, choose Appearance. The choice of waterfall
and/or spectrum is in that dialog.

For connecting an SDR to the RX out port, the first SDR Setup wizard
answer is "Tunable SDR ... sharing antenna on configured Rig"

I don't have any info on the specifics for ExtIO.dll interface for the
AirSpy, except to say that I have had good luck, so far, with getting WL
to work properly with a couple of other devices that have ExtIO dll
interfaces, and would like to hear specifics if WriteLog can't be made
to work right with this one.


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