[WriteLog] Writelog and DXP-38 issues

Suzieb suzieb at harbornet.com
Thu Aug 20 16:59:37 EDT 2020

I think I have had that problem also, but I would check that you have 
the proper serial port picked, and that you have selected DXP-38  in the 
TU-Type selection, other than that I don't know what else.  I think it 
happened when I also remodeled the ham desk!  One other thing you can 
try and it will help is if you have the old DSPWin3.0 program run it.  
If you are on the wrong port it will tell you.
Also make sure no other program using the DXP-38 is running.

Good Luck


On 8/14/2020 3:40 PM, Adam Tarpley wrote:
> Hello all,
> After a few months of shack renovations I am getting set up for the 
> contest season and am reinstalling my rttyrite clones.
> I run mmtty in one window, 2 tone in another, hal dxp-38 in a third 
> and in 4th window I have an st-8000.  Everything worked fine together  
> when I disassembled the shack right before covid.  Now, when I run 
> rttyrite, the dxp-38 goes to stby mode when I initiate the clone 
> window.  I remember having this issue in the past and found the 
> solution online but for the life of me I can find the solution again.
> Any thoughts are appreciated.  I know this is a solvable issue as I 
> have seen how to fix it in the past, I just cant find it now. As I 
> recall, I had to change some things in my writelog  ini file
> 73
> Adam - W4TTY
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