[WriteLog] quick reality check - RTTY and sound cards

Jeff Stai wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
Sun Feb 26 19:37:10 EST 2023

Yes all decoders have their own :) But I had forgotten about mmtty.ini,
it's been a while since I needed to - thanks! - jeff wk6i

On Sun, Feb 26, 2023 at 3:39 PM Rich <rwnewbould at comcast.net> wrote:

> WL/MMTTY does support what you are trying to do with one PC.  I do that
> all of the time.
> I really do not have a solution to your issue, but you might want to
> check these things.
> When using two radios on one PC you need to have MMTTY and 2tone
> installed in multiple folders
> ex: /mmtty1/ = K4
> ex: /mmtty2/ = K3
> A separate copy needs to be run for each radio.
> Windows updates can really screw up your audio devices so......
> Check your Windows sound settings and make sure enhanced audio is
> disable.  For both sound cards that are created when you plug in the USB.
>   I just drove myself crazy helping a friend with an IC7300 which would
> not receive and that was the issue.
> Also make that the audio is 2 ch 48000hz and not only 1 ch 48000hz.
> 1ch will cause MMTTY to ignore the sub-receiver
> MMTTY.ini file contains some info on your sound device
> SoundDevice=5
> SoundOutDevice=4
> You might want to check that also
> I truly do not believe any of these would effect your sound device not
> showing up in MMTTY if it is in device manager
> but it is worth a try
> A windows update seems that most likely cause of the problem
> Rich
> On 2/26/2023 17:15 PM, Jeff Stai wrote:
> > Yesterday for NAQP I wanted to run SO2R with my old K3 and my new K4.
> >
> > I got the K4 running fine in Writelog on MMTTY/2tone with the K4 internal
> > sound card, both receivers in SO2V mode.
> >
> > Then I plugged in the external sound card for the K3. No amount of
> cajoling
> > could get that sound card to show up in MMTTY. It did show up in Device
> > Manager and in the list on 2tone. But I still couldn't get any sound to
> > register in 2tone.
> >
> > I usually run PC per radio but yesterday I wanted to do all this on one
> PC,
> > because that's what I had. This was basically 4 radios - two SO2V
> K-radios.
> > I did get FSK transmit working on the K3 but I couldn't receive.
> >
> > Before I go ripping into the audio path for the K3 and the PC - they had
> > been working fine very recently - Writelog does support this
> configuration
> > - right?
> >
> > 73 jeff wk6i
> >
> > ps I did restarts and wire checks of everything to no avail. The fact
> that
> > the sound card did not show up in MMTTY is kind of a red flag that it was
> > software. Oh and yes each Rttywrite window has its own copy of MMTTY or
> > 2tone.
> >
> >
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Jeff Stai ~ WK6I ~ wk6i.jeff at gmail.com
RTTY op at W7RN
Twisted Oak Winery ~ http://www.twistedoak.com/

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