[WriteLog] How does SmartE work in WriteLog?

VE5CPU ve5cpu at sasktel.net
Sat Nov 4 13:25:38 EDT 2023

Hi Jim

I have Writelog configured to use CT keystrokes.  Been using that special config since I started using Writelog.  The + key on the numeric keypad does your 1. key strokes and the Enter key does 2. Keystrokes.

It also uses F1 for CQing

I don’t use SmartE.

73, Bart - VE5CPU

> On Nov 4, 2023, at 8:47 AM, Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu> wrote:
>> 1.  If I called CQ, and am now finishing that QSO, I want ENTER to
>> send a "TU QRZ" message.
>> 2.  If I am in Search/Pounce mode, after I get my report, I want enter
>> to log the QSO but *not* send anything.
> For #2, I really meant, that after the DX confirms my exchange, I want
> ENTER to log the QSO but not send anything.
> --
> Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>, https://ad1c.us
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