[WriteLog] How does SmartE work in WriteLog?

John Desmond johnk0tg at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 20:43:40 EST 2023

Hi Jim,

You should be able to flip smartE on and off with the period key.

Use this in your config:

If I am S&P i toggle the function on and off with the period.  It is easy
to forget though.

I also have noticed that the status of SmartE does not always show in the
bottom row status box. YMMV on that.  But it seems to be that way on two
PCs I use WL on.

73, John  K0TG

On Sat, Nov 4, 2023 at 9:41 AM Jim Reisert AD1C <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>

> I really want WriteLog to be smarter, but I don't know enough about
> SmartE to make it happen.
> I'm running version 12.75c
> This is what I want, mostly applies to CW/RTTY:
> 1.  If I called CQ, and am now finishing that QSO, I want ENTER to
> send a "TU QRZ" message.
> 2.  If I am in Search/Pounce mode, after I get my report, I want enter
> to log the QSO but *not* send anything.
> Is there a way to make WriteLog work like this?  I'm tired of having
> to type CTRL-Enter to do #2 above.  Sometimes I forget, and if I tune
> far enough away, then the QSO is lost.
> --
> Jim Reisert AD1C, <jjreisert at alum.mit.edu>, https://ad1c.us
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