[WWYC] Sorry about the last messages

K9YO- Cedrick Johnson k9yo@ix.netcom.com
Wed, 29 Dec 1999 19:24:10 -0600

I'm relatively new to this discussion, but have been following it with 
great interest.

How about we just stick with N5NU's suggestion for 5NN Age..

All the other added stuff will just increase the complexity of the contest, 
and I'm sure you'd all despise the Sweepstakes-like exchange again...


At 07:03 PM 12/29/99 , ad7u@juno.com wrote:

>On Thu, 30 Dec 1999 00:07:42 +0100 "Thomas - OZ1AA" <oz1aa@qsl.net>
> > However... now about the exchange in the contest...
> > I'm think that exchange of age is better than the power, we must
> > show that
> > we are young hams as Thomas told. And look what i think: The members
> > can
> > exchange the age and the member number, may be like that:
> > 599 15 YC2  or 599 15 / 2 YC or only 599 15 / 2    (for short use YC
> > not
> >
> > or if you prefer let's to be only the age, but let's tell to other
> > that we
> > are members:
> > 599 15 YC
> >
> > I think that the last exchange (599 15 YC) is better.
>I agree. Sending the membership # will just confuse things. If somebody
>is interested in what my member number is they can look it up on the web.
>But I do suggest sending something to signify that you are a member. THEN
>we can have the mults be the number of members worked overall, NOT per
>band. We don't need to have people making 100 Q's and 1,000,000 pts. Also
>that would encourage the under 30 crowd to become members, so they can be
>a mult!! So count mults once but allow people to be worked again on
>different bands and  modes.
> >And then the
> > multiplier can be: The number of members per band. AND/OR? number
> > of peoples under 30 years. Without exchanging the country,
> > continent,
> > zone e.t.c.+ACE- As much points as funny+ACEAIQ- And we must think
> > about categories.
> > As I don't work in CW contests then it's better to have CW only, SSB
> > only
> > and
> > Mixed. Because if I'm work in SSB only and I'm in one category with
> > this
> > peoples which are working mixed then who will whave more points???
> > It's not honestly. It's better to have much categories than much
> > unhappy
> > peoples. I know it from my life as radioamateur.
>Yes CW, SSB and mixed must be different categories.
>73 de Caleb AD7U (age 16)
>W7W IOTA NA-169 op
>WWYC #23
>Submissions:              wwyc@contesting.com
>Administrative requests:  wwyc-REQUEST@contesting.com
>Problems:                 owner-wwyc@contesting.com

Cedrick Johnson - K9YO - ex. N9YXA, Z2/N9YXA - Extra Class
Dekalb, Illinois - Home of the NIU Huskies
10-10: 67368
Visit the K9YO ContestCentral online at:

NorilTech Web Site: http://www.netcom.com/~k9yo

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Submissions:              wwyc@contesting.com
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