[WWYC] Hello

Marek Garwolinski marekga@wp.pl
Fri, 21 Jun 2002 00:48:49 +0200

Welcomo to all WWYCers.

I am a new member of WWYC (#151) and i just want to say "hello" to all =
on this mailing list.
I am 21 years old and I am in amateur radio since 1998.
Now I'm studying on Academy of Technology and Agriculture in Bydgoszcz =
Poland on Telecomunication and Electronics department. I don't work in =
contest's from my home call SQ4GXO :( but I'm active in major events =
like CQWW ARRL etc. from student's club station SP2PIK. If you'll hear =
SP2PIK in test it's probably me or Les SP2WKB.

Best 73, good luck in the contest and hope to meet you on the air;)

Marek SQ4GXO

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