[WWYC] WPX.....

Hrvoje Horvat hrle@ipazin.net
Sun, 24 Mar 2002 17:43:21 +0100

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c'mon dudes, where are the WPX plans?! I know it's SSB but ... c'mon :-)

Welcome N1SNB.. .yeah I'm sure I've worked you lotsa time as 9A7P or 9A6XX... just keep on with activity and feel free to inform us about it... :-)))

As I've already gave a note I'll be at 9a1p M/S. We're getting pretty serious and we might score bigger result then in CQWWs. 

Planned EQ: IC775DSP+TS930, Alpha 86+FL2277B, 5L 10m, 6L 15m, 3L 20m, 4L VBeam, sloopers, dipoles and inv V on 80m+160m + KT34XA (6L 3bander). 

Ops will be WWYCers 9A6NDX, 9A5AEI, 9A6XX, IK3UNA (?) and OCs S56A and S55M (?)
Real international team.
Thanks also to WWYCer S55OO for help and see you there guys!

Hrle - 9A6XX