[WWYC] WPX so far ...

Fabian Kurz fk@diolog.de
Sat, 23 Nov 2002 20:21:14 +0000


so far I have made about 680 QSO's with QRP and my wire doublet,
including some very nice DX QSO's which I really didn't expect (A61AJ on
80m (!!!), P4, HC8, V2, KP2 ... on 40m, etc..).

Also lots of WWYCers worked, I remember 9A1P, 9A2RD, 9A1CCY, OZ1AA,
LZ1ABC, KC1XX (N6MJ), 9K9X,  LY7Z and I also heard some of the others..

ALthough I didn't sleep last night, I still feel quite well, but it
seems to me that the bands are a bit poor at the moment, so I guess I'll
sleep a bit tonight and try to make another 320 QSO's to make it 1000
QSO's in the end...

73 - cu , Fabian dj1yfk