Hrvoje Horvat hrle@ipazin.net
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 15:53:12 +0200

Hi guys, detailed score will be published on 3830 as soon as I get the =
submital form ready. It wont load at the moment?! Hm...
Anyway, 9A5AEI and myself spent whole 48 hours working this WW RTTY =
contest. Tho we planned working it from 9A1P WX stoped antenna working =
and so we were forced to work from 9A7P again :-)=20
Each of us two worked 24 hours to see who's gonna be better... :-)=20
However, 1502 qsos was made in total. I was pleased to work OK6A and =
when asked I was told they were also Multi Single Low Power. I wonder =
how did they end?! I'm sure was a good fight. I also wonder how our =
YU7AL (YT7AW & Co) competition end up with their score?=20
Not many WWYCers worked, and I still wonder who is hiding under LU3RI's =
callsign?! Please let me know who you are :-)
Total of 1.9M has been done and we'd be happier if we had multy station =
but I'm must admit we are satesfied. Our TS440S was working like a =
rocket. For over 60 hours of RTTY... just amazing.. not any serious =
problems in contest just that on the 2nd night 80m dipole started making =
big PC interference and our PC would instantly block and had to restart =
it so we were off 80m till the end. Gotta see what's with that piece of =
wire up there.
We first time used WF1B and cluster together and can anyone tell me how =
to avoid BEEP everytime spot comes? In the ini file I've said NO to =
Beeps but software didnt want to take that as a no. :-) Did I sound like =
a girl?! :-)) Anyone else having this problem?=20

Oh well, endless fun! Really guys, you should try it!
RYRYRYRY.... see you in EU Sprint SSB on Saturday I hope...=20
73 de 9A6XX - Hrle

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