[WWYC] Thank God on WWYC Team A :-)

Hrvoje Horvat hrle@ipazin.net
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 13:28:41 GMT

Finnaly we've manage to get together this A Team. HUH!
Guys at Team A seems to be very serious at their attempts so we can expect 
nice score from them, not to forget Team B which needs one more guy! C'mon!! 

Predictions are showing not so good condx like we were used on last days, 
but let's hope nothing spectacular will happen. 

Hear ya on tha bands, we (9A1P) will be testing our station few hours prior 
the contest so would be nice to get in touch with some WWYCers like we 
usually do! 

Lots of new records, hi-rates and dont forget to chase 9A1P :-) 

Hrle - 9A6XX
http://rkp.ice.hr/9a1p >9A1P Site<