SM3WMV Mikael sm3wmv@hotmail.com
Thu, 24 Oct 2002 19:39:44 +0000


I will participating during the CQWW DX SSB contest as Single Operator 
Single Book...Because of the rules I cant work assisted, the only assistance 
I can get is from my calculator, otherwise I'll get exspelled (or how it 
spells) or something =)

Because of the lack of time before the "contest" I dont really know how my 
result will be so I dont want to participate in the Team Contest, gotta let 
you guys down this time. The top score I can get is 25 points so I dont 
think that will help you much either, dont even think that the log-checkers 
would like that log, its not in the cabrillo format :)

My equipment:
Pencil about 20cm long
Rubber about 5cm long (2x3x5cm)
Ruler is quite long =)
Calculator with 32kb ram memory

On Time: 5 hours

I would like to do SO2P, but I haven't learned the 2 pencil thing yet, gotta 
work harder on that.

Wish you all good luck in the contest!

//Mike (SM3WMV // SM3W)

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