[WWYC] Just words...

sarajevo@poczta.onet.pl sarajevo@poczta.onet.pl
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 19:26:30 +0100

Hello, WWYC-ers. I subscribed to the list few months ago, but I had no occasion to write anything :). It doesn`t mean that I do nothing! It's difficult to meet me using my own call during contests, I work in teams most often (except WPX CW - my first contest, I got my license few days before it). I've worked with 3Z0WPX, 3Z7TTY and SN0HQ teams and I'm a member of SP5ZCC Scouts Radio Club. In CQ WW I've worked from SN4L station: Greg SQ4NR invited me. It's great to meet another WWYCer, not on air only:). 

Best 73 es 88, 
Donata SP5HNK

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