Richard, M5RIC m5ric@talk21.com
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 18:58:02 -0000

Hello all

Not a very good contest for me, the antenna was damaged on Saturday =
morning meaning I spent most of the day reparing it and cranked the =
tower down. Sunday morning I looked outside to find it had been damaged =
again, but even worse and it could not be repaired quickly.

Most of the contest was done doing S+P, big apologies to team B for my =

2002 CQWW SSB Contest

operator: M5RIC
Category: SOSB 20M HP

                 QSOs   QSO points  Zones       Countries   Multipliers  =
160m:        0                              0              0    =20
80m:          0                              0              0
40m:          0                              0              0
20m:          323        539            19             81
15m:          0                              0              0
10m:          0                              0              0
Totals:       323         539             19            81             =
100           53900

Station Description: TS-570DG, FL-2100B, 2 Ele Quad @ 40Ft

20m Summary
3   4   5   8   9   11  12  13  14  15  16  17  20  21  27 =20
33  35  36  38 =20

3V     4L     4X     5B     8P     9A     9H     9K     9Y     A6    =20
CE     CM     CN     CX     D4     DL     EA     EA6    EA8    EI    =20
ER     ES     EU     F      FM     G      GD     GM     GU     GW    =20
HA     HB     HB0    I      IG9    IT9    J3     JY     K      KH0   =20
KP2    LA     LU     LX     LY     LZ     OE     OH     OK     OM    =20
ON     P4     PA     PJ2    PY     PY0F   S5     SM     SP     SV    =20
SV5    SV9    T9     TK     UA     UA2    UA9    UR     V2     V4    =20
VE     VP8    VP8/h  YI     YL     YO     YU     Z3     ZD8    ZP    =20
ZS    =20

Worked some good countries, never got a ZL or VK as the rotator was not =
working by this time :-(

Looks like others had a good time.


Richard, M5RIC / M2Z

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