[WWYC] zx7xx

Renner Pedroza py7rp at yahoo.com.br
Mon Jul 19 14:33:28 EDT 2004

Hi Guys!

   Just to inform you all, that the "PY7" land´s is
ready to go on the air. We will be active from
Itamaracá Isl. (SA 046) as ZX7XX, hope to be active on
80m~10m cw/ssb.
   The team are: PY7XC-Jim, PY7ZZ-Fred, PY7RP-Ren,
PY7VI-Medeiros and PU7RLM-Luiz. This last one is a
good candidate to join in WWYC!! :P

   73! and hope cu u all in IOTA  - . ... -

de Renner

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