[WWYC] YASME Foundation

Hrvoje Horvat hrle at ipazin.net
Mon Apr 18 04:17:48 EDT 2005

Hello everybody, 

we received a 2000 USD grant from YASME Foundation (http://www.yasme.org/) 
in order to help those WWYCers that cant afford a trip to WWYC Meeting 2005 
in Darlowo, Poland. 

So far there are two teams interested (Team = 4-5 WWYCers with a car) and if 
you have the same toughts plus you are from eastern europe (that usually 
means everything eastern of OH, DL & I) then throw an email to one of those 
LIDs that will try to be as fair as they can to share this money: SP5HNK, 

I must mention people responsible for this biggest financial support givan 
to WWYC by anyone; Paolo, I2UIY & Timo, OH1NOA that just again showed their 
interest and will to help WWYCers, and finnaly Martti, OH2BH who put a final 
"stamp" on the application. 

I hope maybe someone else is also trying to get some money in other funds; 
our case shows nothing is impossible if you have a will! One thing is sure - 
this is the project which is recognized in the amateur radio community - 
confirmed by YASME! 

Hrle - 9A6XX

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