[WWYC] WRTC 2006 - National Young Teams

Franki ON5ZO on5zo at telenet.be
Mon Jun 6 13:09:09 EDT 2005

ON7BWB says:
> the reason (i guess) the WWYCers doing so good;
> 1* family member who has a nice station.
> 2* lots of money to get a ass kicking setup
> 3* live in an area that is pro-contesting, with lots of clubs
> 4* member of contest club in the neighbourhood.

Bert, I think this does NOT apply to the WWYC majority.
Take me for example:
1- my dad = retired and amateur filmer, not a ham at all...
2- lots of money? no way!!!!! not now and never had it either...
2- lots of contesting clubs? Bert, you live less than 100km from here; you know how 
it is in Belgium...
4- see above.

Most WWYC do not have their own stations but travel to big stations from club's or 
individuals in the neighbourhood. In Belgium, this is hard to find and even harder to 
get access to. There simply is no contesting culture in Belgium. Except for some 
individuals. But there are only 3 real "contest" stations here, right?

> Money = good results = a ticket for WRTC

It is my opinion that good results come from attitude and perseverance in the first 
place. It's not because I have a tower and beam *now* that I started like that. My 
setup for over 4 years (!!!) has been NO tower, LOW wires and crappy setup. I think 
it's safe to say that with these means, I achieved some nice results in ARRL (2004), 
CQ WW (2003), WPX (2004) and a couple of smaller tests like RDXC and WAE CW. This was 
not the setup playing, but me staying in the chair and getting on the air in a lot of 
contests. ATTITUDE!
Now that I finally have a tower and beam, all the things I learned with my crappy 
setup pay off...

> Like in my situation, during the weeks at school only some few speare
> time in the weekends, not that big setup, ...

AGAIN: contesting is not that you do in between, I guess it is a WAY OF LIVING. If 
you contest, you commit social suicide. It's a choice you have to make.

> To all those who think im wrong, just think away your towers with yagis
> and so on,... and work on 10/15/20 with wires and verticals ... and of
> course barefoot :-)

See above. The reason for this is that you stick to SSB with your little pistol 
station. Try CW and it'll be a whole other story! Think of CW as a free 10dB gain, 
which is a 2600 Euro amp!
Also don't forget that towers and big antennas do not come falling from the sky. 
You'll have to have patience - I know what I am talking about! But, like a good 
contesting friend of mine said: it all starts with a dream...

CU in the contest
Franki ON5ZO 

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