[WWYC] FW: Re: wwyc \'06 meeting

Bert Wallaert - ON8TK bert at on8tk.com
Thu Jan 26 07:25:10 EST 2006

ulf schneider wrote:

>universities for your studies ;)
>and now? any solutions? late august seems to be exams-free...
>ulf (ex-student and independent from liddish university
>terms/exams/vacations since monday ;)
And what about for begin of September, Uni's in belgium only starts 
half/last part of September

Its maybe considering?

73 on8tk

>WWYC mailing list
>WWYC at contesting.com
> uuuh, dude .. it seems that all you lidz have chosen very liddish

|         ON8TK            |
|     CM - sectie TRK      |
|web: http://www.on8tk.com |
|mail: bert at on8tk.com      |

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