[WWYC] FW: Re: wwyc \\\'06 meeting

reptil@ptt.yu reptil at ptt.yu
Thu Jan 26 12:50:08 EST 2006

ok folks let\'s see...
we planed it for the first week of august.obviously you don\'t agree with that:)
let\'s try to make a deal.

you suggest, vote, and choose, and we\'ll try to make something out of it.
start with let\'s say from 23.07 till mid or maybe late august.
it\'s planed to be from wednesday till sunday (monday leaving)

so give it your best shot. we really do want to see as much of you as we can here.and you won\'t be sorry.cheep beer, etc etc...

and please, does anybody have an electronic form of an article from last years meeting in Darlowo? we need it ASAP.a scaned file will be ok...

waiting for your suggestions



Reply na poruku od Thu, 26 Jan 2006 13:25:10 +0100: 
>ulf schneider wrote:
>>universities for your studies ;)
>>and now? any solutions? late august seems to be exams-free...
>>ulf (ex-student and independent from liddish university
>>terms/exams/vacations since monday ;)
>And what about for begin of September, Uni\'s in belgium only starts 
>half/last part of September
>Its maybe considering?
>73 on8tk
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>>WWYC at contesting.com
>> uuuh, dude .. it seems that all you lidz have chosen very liddish
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