[WWYC] NEW! Please remove the 60 min off time rule in CQWPX Contests

Franki ON5ZO on5zo at telenet.be
Fri Apr 8 23:38:43 PDT 2011

> I see it as a chance to maximize my usage of operating and
> strategy skills and minimize the effects of operating a poorly
> equipped station or being in a unfavorable location with less than
> optimum propagation.

I see it as a chance to maximize the silliness in tactical decisions 
regarding off/on times and when to be on what band. WAE anyone?
Of course only to be noticed after the contest when reading 3830...

My general rule about rules: don't change too often, and keep it simple.

36/48 is sweet: plenty of fun, and just enough sleep to keep it fun. And 
less recovery after the contest.

73 de ON5ZO 

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