[WWYC] NEW! Please remove the 60 min off time rule in CQ WPX Contests

Fabian Kurz mail at fkurz.net
Fri Apr 8 15:36:43 PDT 2011


On Sat, Apr 09, 2011 at 12:03:32AM +0200, Stein Roar Brobakken wrote:
> Well, I have been very strict to this rule and if I am away 5 minute then I
> MUST stay off the radio for 60 min....

No! If you need to [pee|rotate the antenna|whatever] you may do it in
5 minutes and don't care about offtimes, just count it as OP times. 
At the same time this may encourage you to improve your operating
styles (use a bottle, don't waste time for the toilet, etc :-)

As much as I personally like to torture myself by doing a full
48h-attempt in a CQWW, as much do I appreciate the 36h rule of the
WPX. I see it as a chance to maximize my usage of operating and
strategy skills and minimize the effects of operating a poorly
equipped station or being in a unfavorable location with less than
optimum propagation.


Fabian Kurz, DJ1YFK          web: http://fkurz.net/            .---.
Markgrafenstr. 63                                             |  |  |
81827 Munich, Germany        Learn Morse Code Online:         | /|\ |
phone: +49 176 24079617      http://lcwo.net/                  `---'

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