FT-1000MP Headphone audio
Wed, 3 Jul 1996 08:22:54 +0100
In message <v01540b00adfe0a4040db@[]>, Joel Jensen
<jjensen@VAX1.Mankato.MSUS.EDU> writes
>I've noticed that my MP's headphone audio seems awfully low. The AF Gain
>has to be cranked to just about 3/4 of wide open to attain a normal
>listening level.
> I've tried different headphones in both jacks... I've increased both
>trimmer pots to max. Am I missing something obvious? Is there some odd
>specification with regards to headphones that I missed?
>Any suggestions appreciated. Thanks!
I have tried several different headphones with my MP and have the same
prob on all sets. Some report the same on FT1000.
Increasing the trimmer pots increased the audio hiss but nothing
significant in terms of volume.
GW4BLE sent me a copy of an official Yaesu mod to increase headphone
audio. This was specifically for the Heil headphone but I dont think
the problem is headphone specific!
Call Yaesu USA for the mod
73 Fred G4BWP