[Yaesu] 990 'feedback' w/12 V supply

Ken Anderson, N0AS kenman@iastate.edu
Tue, 19 Nov 1996 08:15:03 -0600

At 08:16 PM 11/18/96 -0500, K8JP added:
>This is the one problem I have found with the FT-990.  It does seem to be
>vunerable to RF feedback thru external plug-in's, particularly, the external
>speaker.  I would, as I know others would, be curious about other experiences
>and, hopefully, some solutions.

Mine is an AC model.  I have constant problems with RF feedback.  And I
swear it tends to come and go.  It's always there, but sometimes worse than
"normal."  I used double shielded cable from the external speaker to the 990
and that took care of the problem there.  However, the majority of my
problem is RF into the headphone jack.  I've not been able to solve this
one.  Capacitors and ferrite cores helped a little bit, but didn't solve the

73, Ken, N0AS

Ken Anderson, N0AS			Kenman@iastate.edu
130 Soil Tilth Bldg.			N0ZEM@aol.com
Iowa State University			N0AS@KE0WO.#NWIA.IA.USA.NA
Ames, Iowa  50011			515.294.8996

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