[Yaesu] Yaesu FT101EE!

Donald Rasmussen drasmussen@eosintl.com
Thu, 20 Feb 1997 11:35:19 -0800

>From Paul, W9AC:

>Does your FT-101 still have the plastic protective sheet on the front

I'm afraid not, of course I would have removed it myself anyway, as my radio
is not a collectors piece. There is still some plastic left around the
edges, any ideas on the easiest way to clean this up? I was also wondering
if the black mask snaps off so I can clean behind it. Anyone know?  I paid
$300 for mine, and wonder, if you could get someone to sell you one that is
truly new in the box, what it would sell for. 

>I believe the
>introduction of the FT-101 and TS-520 was the death nail for the U.S.
>equipment manufacturers.  

Okay, I'll come clean. I bought a TS520 myself when they were new, and never
regretted it. Even if the 101 and 520 weren't such nice radios, their price
alone made them very attractive with respect to the American gear. 

>My friend, WN9JXE decided to forego the kits and
>purchase a new Henry Tempo One, also made by Yaesu for Henry Radio.  The
>price was nearly identical to the HW-101 w/ power supply, but was so
>much more refined.

I had one. The FT200 by Yaesu (original Tempo One) was a terrific survival
radio, if you ever needed to you could put a frying pan on top and cook your

>Then in 1977, I purchased a new FT-101EE.

Absolute lucky dog, likely one of the happiest days of your life!

>The only problem with the
>early Yaesus was the fact the solid-state front-ends were very
>susceptible to front-end overload, something I never found with my
>tube-based receivers.

My TS520 was the same way. I wonder how the front end on the new stuff today
is any better?

>Today, I am the proud owner of a Ten-Tec Omni Six (soon to be
>Six-Plus), and a Yaesu FT-1000MP.  Both are terrific radios.

PLEASE - Paul, whats the Deal with the New TenTec radio, what are these
changes that are supposed to make it more attractive as compared to the IC756?

>-Paul, W9AC  (Ex - WN9JCG, WB9JCG, N9AZ)

Don Rasmussen WB8YQJ/6

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