[Yaesu] FT101EE!
Rick Blank
Fri, 21 Feb 1997 01:26:58 +0000
> Hello All,
> It may be amazing to hear that there is a person in the world that never had
> a FT101. I fired up my (21 year old to the day) FT101 last night and was
> surprised to find 1990's style performance! Mine has been sitting in its
> original box for most of its life, and came to me complete, packed up just
> like it came from the factory. It's a pretty radio, and I'm quite happy to
> have happened across it.
I just sold my 4th one in January! Good rigs, but, I just have too
many radios! They do work well and of all the ones I have had I do
miss the FT101F the most....oh well, maybe someday I'll find one
again! I used this with an FR101D receiver for splits and SWL'ing.
> Can anyone tell me about auxillary AM filters for this radio? I have a CW
> filter and have located the position for it in the radio. I am wondering if
> there was even an option to install an AM filter in the radio?
Nope, no option unless you replace the SSB filter with the AM one.
This is another reason why I had the FR101 with the FT101, I had
three bandwidths of FoxTango filters in it (6kc, 1.8kc, and 500hz)
and it REALLY , , made a difference...the FoxTango filters are
wonderful pieces. There may have been an article in one of the Fox
Tango Newsletters that may still be available from International
Radio in Florida (look in QST classifieds to see if they're still
listed) that would allow you to put a swich on the back and switch
auxiliary filters in and ou of the FT101t, I just don't remember. I
also had an Autek QF-1A filter on the audio output of each radio and
thus had good control of hetrodynes, etc.
There are some newer fet's that make a difference if you use them as
substitutes for the mixer fet and the rf amp fet...these newer fet's
have a much lower noise figure and help pull in the weak ones,
remember the fet's in the FT101E's are about a 20 year old design...I
don't remember the numbers of the fet's, but, the Yaesu 101E and 101F
have sockets for these fet's and experimentation is fairly easy. If
you do experiment in this direction, do not increase the gain figure
very much or you may risk strong signal overload in some of the
circuitry following the new fet's....this was another subject touched
upon once by the Fox Tango Newsletter. I do remember that I got a
couple of the fet's from a local Icom servicer, but that has been
about 5 years ago...sorry I can't remember more. I tried a fairly
low gain gasfet for the mixer on the 101F and it seemed to really
make a difference in the noise floor on the 15 and 10m bands.
If I remember correctly, the fet that I used in the RF amp was one
that was also used in the 2m Icom multimode rigs, it's just been a
while and I didn't keep any notes, they all went with the rig!
If you do fool with the fet's, just make sure to ground youself and
discharge all static as the old fet's have no static protection built
Just my $.02 worth!
Rick Blank, KI5SL rblank@txdirect.net
227 Serenade AMSAT NA# 26195
San Antonio, Texas 78216
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