[Yaesu] FT-8100 Information!

Alan K. Adamson ne1h@tornado.ne1h.radio.org
Fri, 14 Nov 1997 11:28:00 -0500


I think I can scan the documents,  I'll try that and forward via email.  I'm
probably the person that was referenced as getting it directly from yaesu.
It seems they have changed their policy and will NOT give technical
bulletins out any more... I think we should start a boycott or something,
Kenwood publishes theirs on their webpage!.  Yaesu needs to get with the
program or people will get frustrated.

Before I purchased my 8100, I called Yaesu and asked for any updated
technical bulletins, the gentleman that I talked to sent me the xband repeat
one. Since then, I've learned and found 2 more problems, one I know has a
fix and the other nobodies commenting.  The reason, I know about the fix for
the other one, is the yaesu tech guy told me so, but would not fax me the

So, to date, here is what I know about and have.

1) xband audio distortion - I have the actuall yaese bulletin on this!
2) tx getting stuck in tx mode until you hold the mic away from the radio
and your body - there is a fix for this, but yaesu want's you to send back
the radio, they will not publish the fix!
3) 2mtr side will hear the 440 side on certian freqs and there isn't much
you can do about it, funny thing, if you take off the top cover this problem
goes away - can you say RF!
5) CAP/MARS mod - I have the actual yaesu bulletin on this one
6) 800-900mhz mod - I have no idea, heard about it from a book as well, but
have never confirmed that.

I'm going to send this to the contesting reflector, those that are reading
out of context, just ignore the first paragraph.  If I'm successful, I'll
publish them on my web page, see address below, probably won't be for a
couple of days however.

Alan K. Adamson
Atlanta, GA
web address                    http://www.ne1h.radio.org
(*LIVE*) APRS:                http://www.ne1h.radio.org/aprs
Mustang Info                    http://www.ne1h.radio.org/mustang

FAQ on WWW:               http://www.qsl.net/k7on/yaesu.html
Submissions:              yaesu@contesting.com
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