[Yaesu] FT-1000MP 70Mhz mod

WD8ARZ WD8ARZ" <wd8arz@null.net
Tue, 2 Jun 1998 10:47:47 -0400

Just qucik note, I will post a more detailed one later.  The capacitor mod
ONLY works in cw mode and only if the dsp is OFF - in my case the dsp
performance on exceeded what the cw capacitor did, so I did not install
it... I actually want some higher frequency output as one of the options for
cw so I can hear voice audio in cross mode operations..... the 70 mhz if amp
affects all bands, even below 500khz.... the amp is needed for IF noise
reduction on all bands.... the improved signal to noise reduction improves
the performance of the dsp, noise blanker, and am syncronous detector.... I
will provide the details of two days of testing later to support these
statements...... the if gain menu must be reduced or some of the noise
improvment is lost and the noise blanker actually will not perform as
well.... calculated differences took mine from a setting of 13 to one of

Good Luck, and thanks to inrad to a worth while mod!

73 from Bill - WD8ARZ
-----Original Message-----
From: tgstewart@pepco.com <tgstewart@pepco.com>
To: Bob Patten <n4bp@bc.seflin.org>
Cc: Yaesu Reflector <yaesu@contesting.com>; inrad@rosenet.net
Date: Tuesday, June 02, 1998 10:33 AM
Subject: Re: [Yaesu] FT-1000MP 70Mhz mod

:Thanks for the report Bob.
:I just got mine as well but havent had time to install yet.  It was
:apparent to me this weekend that this 70mhz mod is only necessary to
:improve 15 meter performance.  It's too bad that Yaesu didnt provide the
:low noise preamp to operate on that band as well because it would have made
:this mod unnecessary.  In addition, if the EDSP noise reduction is turned
:on, it has a lot of audio hiss of it's own...this is something that the
:Timewaves have alway been VERY good at...removing the RX noise with their
:noise reduction mode.  I'm kind of sorry I sold all mine for this very
:reason...it was especially useful with the older 1000's as they are even
:deader than the MP, and that extends from 10 through 20 meters!  With a
:Timewave DSP in the line, the capacitor mod would probably also be
:I did install the INRAD 400hz 455 filters before the contest and was quite
:pleased with their performance.  I took the old Collins filters and stuck
:them in the sub RX.
:Anyone adding filters should get the INRAD's...they are at least as good in
:quality...some significantly better and somewhat cheaper to buy.  Running
:the 400's this weekend I seemed to have more guys next to me come and
:complain asking for a QSY when they were having little or no affect on me!
:73, Ty K3MM
:To:   Yaesu Reflector <yaesu@contesting.com>
:cc:   inrad@rosenet.net (bcc: Tyler G Stewart/BENN/CEC)
:Subject:  [Yaesu] FT-1000MP 70Mhz mod
:     I received the Int'l Radio "Background Noise Reduction, Sensitivity
:Improvement Mod" in todays mail and had it installed and checked before
:leaving for work tonight.  The quality of workmanship is excellent, the
:instructions make it very simple to install.
:     I didn't have a lot of time to play with it, so I simply reduced
:the IF gain by two notches from the menu and gave a listen around 10M.
:The background hiss was indeed reduced while maintaining normal
:sensitivity.  Even more dramatic was the effect from installing the
:"bonus mod", a .0047 capacitor added to the audio board.  My radio had
:the .0015 cap installed while a much larger cap was called for in the
:schematic.  When I bridged the new cap across the original, the remaining
:hiss seemed to disappear and the audio output seemed to increase by
:several db.  All in all, I believe the mods are a worthwhile addition.
:        73,
:                       ,'' '',
:     Bob Patten, N4BP              ( 0 0 )               Plantation, FL
:                         E-Mail: n4bp@bc.seflin.org
:              Web Page: http://wg104a.wh.uni-stuttgart.de/~n4bp
:                     Brass Pounder BBS: (954) 472-7715
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Submissions:              yaesu@contesting.com
Administrative requests:  yaesu-REQUEST@contesting.com
Problems:                 owner-yaesu@contesting.com
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