[Yaesu] Anyone with FT-100 impressions?

Larry Menzel lmenzel@millcomm.com
Thu, 22 Jul 1999 13:38:30 -0500

After 2 months of use, I concur.  The 706 MKII is a great rig.  I don't see
spending the extra money for 450 band if you have other radios for the 
purpose.  Noise blanker is superior to FT100, and the DSP is super.'

Love it.

Larry, N0XB
Northfield, MN

At 09:38 AM 7/22/99 EDT, Geos Major wrote:
>Consensus of ECars Ops running mobile:
>For mobile ops the ICOM 706MKIIG is the winner hands down. It has proven to 
>be much more reliable, stable, and the noise blanker really works. Also, 
>little or no knob/menu fiddling is needed to use it while on the road.
>-Barnett, W1XL
>>From: John Hirth <w2ki@amsat.org>
>>To: Yaesu Reflector <yaesu@contesting.com>
>>Subject: [Yaesu] Anyone with FT-100 impressions?
>>Date: Thu, 22 Jul 1999 09:00:00 -0400
>>Has anyone on the list gotten an FT-100? If so, would you please share
>>your impressions?
>>I'm in the market for a small HF/V/U mobile/backup rig and my first
>>thought is an FT-100 to complement my FT-1000MP, but the ICOM 706MKIIG
>>is also a contender. The QST reviews pointed out many of the pros and
>>cons of each model, but for me it is not a clear cut decision.
>>I've played a little with both rigs at HRO. The Icom FEELS a little more
>>substantial (at least as far as the tuning knob goes, the FT's is pretty
>>small and the finger depression "spinner" is very small and essentially
>>useless). The mike jack is not on the FT's removable control head, so if
>>you split the rig for mounting in the car, you need to run a separate
>>cable to the rig body from the mike. You also need the special mike for
>>the FT100, and can't put any other audio into the mike jack. Also I do a
>>lot of digital modes (HF/VHF) and being limited to the FT's AFSK-in jack
>>is just a little constraining.
>>The rig will be used primarily mobile and portable in my small travel
>>trailer. I'd welcome any first hand impressions to help me make up my
>>Many thanks and 73,
>>John W2KI
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