[Yaesu] FT100 problem with 50mMhz

Robin Thompson robin@g3tkf.freeserve.co.uk
Tue, 5 Dec 2000 19:57:09 +0000

Hi all
I know this is not the usual FT100 discussion place - I have forgotten
the exact newsgroup for that ! 
But does anyone know if the FT100 is prone to burning out P.A. stages on
50Mhz ?? I am told by a few "locals" that it is a common problem
.....Yaesu UK say "they have never been informed of any such problems "

Mine "blew" with some smoke - after a short transmission into a
reasonable SWR (less than 2.5:1) with 100w of FM - now there's no RF on
HF or 50Mhz but otherwise ok.

Any comments !??

Robin Thompson
City of BAth

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