[Yaesu] FT-5200

John N. Phillips jphillips@mail.talon.net
Tue, 05 Dec 2000 16:43:09 -0500

Yaesu FT-5200

I recently purchased the above dual band mobile that had been modified
for wideband operation. I wanted to return it to original condition
and searched the Internet for the mods.

I found several and carefully unsoldered the appropriate pads. All
pads from 7 down are now open. The radio performs perfectly except on
440. I am now only able to program from 430-440 and not 430-450 as I
should be.

I suspect that I will have to resolder one of the pads but have no
idea which one.

Anyone know which pads were the default settings from the factory or
which pad(s) I should close?

Thanks in advance and have a happy holiday season.
John N. Phillips at:

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