Fwd: [Yaesu] VFO Shaft Locked Up
Thu, 1 Nov 2001 13:20:35 -0600
I had it happen on a Icom 775, and had to replace the optical encoder, $75.
I think thats your only option, I dont know how much the Yaesu one is.
I have not heard of any failures of the optical encoder on Yaesu
rigs. Yours is just a fluke.
Good luck
>At 0430Z Saturday of the CQ WW SSB DX Contest,
>the Main Tuning Control Shaft FROZE UP on my
>FT-990. I assume this was caused by galling between
>the shaft and the outer sleeve on the optical controller.
>Has this happened to anyone else?
>Can it be repaired?
>Does Yaesu have a permanent solution to this problem?
>(i.e., if I buy a replacement control will it last 'forever'?)
>Has this problem ever presented itself on any of the
>newer radios?
>Tom N4KG@JUNO.com