Fwd: [Yaesu] VFO Shaft Locked Up
Robin Thompson
Sat, 3 Nov 2001 01:50:04 +0000
In article <p0433010db80750331642@[]>, dj2001@mn.rr.com
>I had it happen on a Icom 775, and had to replace the optical encoder, $75.
>I think thats your only option, I dont know how much the Yaesu one is.
>I have not heard of any failures of the optical encoder on Yaesu
>rigs. Yours is just a fluke.
Hummmm.... My FT1000D main VFO seized a couple of years back after SSB
Field Day and required a replacement shaft encoder - Approx 40 UKP - and
I heard recently of a similar problem with another FT1K so not a fluke
at all - Seems quite a common problem !
Robin Thompson