[Yaesu] How do I add WARC bands to old FT-901DM?
Ed Pugh (VA3PU)
Mon, 8 Oct 2001 07:53:02 -0400
A few weeks ago, I purchased a used FT-901 DM at a local hamfest.
This is the "older" version that does NOT have the WARC bands
(12, 17 and 30 M). (Note that Yaesu later came out with a version
of the FT-901 that DID include WARC bands. BTW, does anyone know
the difference(s) between this later FT-901DM (with WARC) and the
FT-902 DM ??? Pictures of their front panes look identical,
except for the model name plate.)
[I don't have this rig on the air just yet - I am waiting to get
some HF radiators up.]
Is there an available mod to add WARC bands to the older FT-901DM,
in addition to the existing bands?
Is there, perhaps, a published construction project to make a
transverter to add these bands?
If there are any web sites that that describe how to add WARC
bands to the older FT-901DM, I would appreciate knowing the URLs.
Oh, and one more question. Is the Curtiss keyer in the FT-901DM
iambic or not? (This uses the oldest version of the Curtiss 8044
chip, with no suffix. I do know that the 8044ABM - i.e. with
suffix "ABM" - is iambic, but I am wondering about the 8044 without
any suffix. I am wondering if I should get iambic paddles for this.)
Is there any way to use the FT-901DM's internal keyer in a "code
practice" mode; i.e. without actually transmitting CW?
Ed Pugh (VA3PU)
Ottawa, Ontario
Ed Pugh | A common mistake that people make when trying
VA3PU | to design something completely foolproof is to
Ottawa ON | underestimate the ingenuity of complete fools.
CANADA | - Douglas Noel Adams (1952 - May 11, 2001 :-( )