[Yaesu] mark V

OZ0J - Jorgen Romming OZ0J - Jorgen Romming" <oz0j@roemming.dk
Sun, 21 Oct 2001 23:16:05 +0200

Dear OM Richard

I have just purchased the FT 1000 Mark-V. I have not used it so much so far but I will use it when I participate the XP1AB DXpedition next week.

After the contest I will inform you about my expierinces with the station.

I have used a Heil headset the last 6 years. I can recommend that as a very good headset. I have used that with my FT-890 for the last 3 years and I will use it for the FT-1000 Mark-V.

73 de OZ0J, Jørgen

Now you have the chance to work XP1AB.
XP1AB will be used during the CQWW SSB 2001 contest.
See details at http://www.qsl.net/xp1ab
Quitters never win - Winners never quit !!!

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "richard" <rgus@manznet.com>
To: <yaesu@contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, October 21, 2001 9:55 PM
Subject: [Yaesu] mark V

> does anyone on the list have the new ft 1000 mp mark V . . i'm getting
> ready to get back on the air . . and i am planning on getting the mark V
> over the Icom 756 Pro . . i would appreciate input . . 
> the way the two radios are currently being marketed . . after you buy the
> power supply for the Icom, the mark V is less expensive or just about the
> same . . 
> i would appreciate a suggestion on a headset with boom mike . . and any
> idiosycrasy comments . . 
> thanks,
> richard erickson
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