[Yaesu] Hum and my 1000MP
Steve Daniel
Steve Daniel" <nn4t@bellsouth.net
Sat, 19 Jan 2002 19:47:22 -0600
I have the 1000MP and have noticed a distinct hum when I, listening in the
monitor, key the mike. This is true with the hand mike or my Heil head set
and is true whether or not the processor is turned on. Then processor does,
however, increase the noise. I believe some of this is pick up of back
ground noise in the shack, but that does not occur with my Yaesu 920, even
with the processor engaged. I have made sure my connections are good and
tight and the radio, as well as all pieces of equipment, are individually
grounded via braid to a cental point and then go out to four 8 foot ground
rods. I just redid all these connections and have checked them with the ohm
meter so I feel confidant that the station is well grounded. I checked the
archives on the site but a search failed to turn up anything like this. I
would be greatful for any input you can offer. Steve, NN4T.