[Yaesu] ft1000mp mark V and afsk
Dirk Desloovere
Thu, 4 Jul 2002 12:04:24 +0200
I am a recent onwner of a ft1k mp mark V.=20
I am very pleased with the performance of this transceiver, even with =
the standard settings and filters.
But the manual is not very clear to me abt the configruation for afsk =
and psk via the packet plug and I need some experience and explanations =
I understand that by touchting the pkt buttom and the setting of the =
8.6 menu to pkt-L I can run ASFK with my mmtty engine based logging =
software (logger and zakanaka by k4cy).
By holding the pkt buttom a bit longer the transceiver is switching on =
the user setting of the 8.6 menu (easy menu). =20
I set the easy menu to ps31-U .
Is that what the manual is meaning ?? =20
Do I use the good settings in the 8.6 menu ?=20
With thanks ,
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