[Yaesu] Re: new member with a ft-101

wsanders@wsanders.net wsanders@wsanders.net
Mon, 11 Mar 2002 13:08:06 -0800

As of 5 years ago Yaesu actually stocked replacement parts 
for the FT-101. I bought a DC power cord for about $35. So it 
is worth calling Yaesu directly if you want to get original 

Did the rig come with an operating manual? I can send you 
schematics for the radio. Let me know via email and I will 
send that - I could copy the whole manual for whatever it 
would cost to copy and mail - probably $6 or 7 or so - 
although I don't want to get into the old manual business :-)

As a matter of fact - I might take this opportunity to ask 
the group if htey know of any alternative neutralization 
schemes other than the one mentioned in the manual. I've 
installed New Old Stock 6JS6Cs without doing the capacitor 
mod. I asked around on the lists when I first got the tubes 
and nobody responded about the theory behin the mod - if you 
run through the calculations the widely 
distributed "neutralization mod" actually doesn't change the 
capacitance - it just makes the adjustment less "twitchy" and 
adjsts the 2 caps in series in such a way that if the air 
varible shorts out the capacitance falls back to a more 
reasonable value. 

Following the procedure in the manual, I can get about 60W 
out of mine with the NOS tubes. For some reason, lately, my 
plate current has jumped up 50ma. limiting the amount of 
power I can run without roasting the tubes - and I am 
wondering if this is due to some kind of misalignent in the 
final stage or whether some other kind of component failure 
is responsible (like maybe the IC shunt circuit itself is 

A couple of other gotchas I was wondering about - I think my 
FT-101 is in pretty good shape but still needs some 

- Most of the inductors in my FT-101 are frozen. The coils 
are full of congealed paraffin. Is there a way to unstick 

- The trimmer caps for 80m are inaccessible, under the lip of 
the wraparound side panel. Do I have to take the case off to 
get to these caps or is there a special trick?

- The fox-tango list on qth.net seems to be completely 
inactive - I get messages from time to time saying I'm 
subscribed, but I never see any traffic.

-Wiley KF6IIU