[Yaesu] Yaesu map??

George Halpin halpin2@adams.net
Thu, 7 Nov 2002 18:02:00 -0600 (Central Standard Time)

Hello Steve,=0D
I also have the Yaesu maps and understand what you are asking. I don't kn=
if an unfolded map is available or not, but here's a possible solution.=0D
Take your map to a custom picture framing shop and have it dry mounted on
foam core. Foam core comes in various thickness, 1/8", 3/16", 1/4" and th=
may be other thickness as well. If you framer has a heat press, or vacuum
press, the map can be permanently fastened (glued) to the foam core board
and trimmed to the exact size of the map. Mounting the map in this fashio=
will eliminate any traces of the folds, and your map will be completely f=
 You then may hang or fasten your foam core on the wall, use stick pins t=
located the countries you have worked or whatever your heart desires.=0D
Besides being a ham, I am a custon picture frames, (have my own shop) and=
ve mounted my map in this fashion.=0D
73, es good DX,=0D
de N9DO George H

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