[Yaesu] FT-890 Data In and Out

Jim Johnson - KC4HW jim at kc4hw.net
Sun Dec 28 13:19:46 EST 2003

Trying to help a friend with interfacing his FT-890 to a multi-mode 
terminal unit.  Not sure if I understand what the data in/out plug on the 
back of the radio is for. 

Is the Data In/Out for AFSK?  If so, I presume that the Data In is for the 
AFSK output of the terminal unit and the Data Out is the AFSK output to 
the terminal unit?  

Has anyone successfully interface a terminal unit to this port?  Certainly 
we could interface to the mic connector and the speaker output.  

Anyway, anyone got any help for us.  Thanks and HNY!

Jim Johnson, KC4HW
Melbourne, Florida
DXCluster RF Connection: 144.95

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