[Yaesu] Coupons Expire Monday!?
Mark S. Adams, P.E.
msadams at acsu.buffalo.edu
Fri Mar 28 11:25:19 EST 2003
Hey Gang,
Does anyone know what the fate of Yaesu prices will be come April 1st? I'm
very interested in an FT-100D for my VHF rover station and would hate to
buy it on 3/31 for $719 and find out it is $619 on 4/1. Already had this
hassle with my 817 about 2 years ago.
Mark K2QO
Mark S. Adams, P.E.
University at Buffalo
Occupational and Environmental Safety
220 Winspear Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14215-1034
Tel: 716.829.3707 ext. 25 Fax: 716.829.2704
Cell: 716.863.7229
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