[Yaesu] FT-1000D questions

John Nelson john at steampower.demon.co.uk
Fri Jan 23 14:47:37 EST 2004

Last night I helped a friend fit a couple of Inrad filters to his FT-1000D.
Looking on the lower main board, I noticed a switch marked 'S3001' that has
'50W' against one position and nothing against the other. The switch was set
to the unmarked position. It doesn't seem to be mentioned in the owners'
manual - anyone know what it does?

I also noticed that the owner was switching his Alpha amp via the 'Tx GND'
socket and associated relay. I'd have thought it should be possible to use
pins 2 and 3 on the BAND DATA output to achieve the same end -- is this

Finally, I've heard various things about the quality of the tuning upgrader
sold by International Radio. Any opinions one way or the other?

73 John

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