[Yaesu] FT1000D Sub Rx Filter

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Mon Dec 26 09:42:34 EST 2005

Hi Vince

Is there a link to find details on the sale? I just tried their web 
site and cannot find anything about a new years day sale. I need to 
get the roofing filter for my 1000D.

Jerry W4UK

At 12:48 12/26/2005, Vince wrote:

>What are the options for adding a narrow CW I.F. filter in the FT1kD 2nd
>filter? I presently have the stock Yaesu I.F. filter setup.
>What is the filter model by Inrad and by Yaesu?  Am considering taking
>advantage of the New Year Day sale by Inrad.
>73, de ~ Vince ~

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