[Yaesu] Ft-1000

ARS NZ3O (Byron) FM29fx NZ3O at ARRL.NET
Fri Feb 25 21:25:29 EST 2005

That's weird.  Mine doesn't work that way.  Although I know there
is a sync of CPU between the two, I sometimes leave the sub on
the wrong band and it still hears (split, you know) when I move to
a new band and work someone else.  What am I missing?

(FT-1000MP)  73, Byron

At 12:00 PM 2/25/2005, Joe Subich wrote:
>Note: this applies ONLY to the original FT-1000/FT-1000D. The
>FT-1000MP and its descendents (Mark V, Field) can listen only
>on the same band as main receiver since the subreceiver shares
>the main receiver bandpass filter.

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