[Yaesu] FT1000MP and W9XT v.k. problem

Ted Boerkamp tboerkamp at cogeco.ca
Mon Jul 4 17:23:40 EDT 2005

Hello all,
		I recently purchased a used (but mint condition) FT1000MP
and I am having a bit of trouble being able to use the built in cw keyer on
the 1000 and the cw interface of the W9XT card at the same time. I have my
bencher paddles plugged into the jack on the back of the radio and the plug
for the cw keying from the W9 card going into the jack on the front of the
radio just above the mic jack.
Problem is: I cannot have the keyer on the 1000 turned on at the same time
as I use the W9 cw interface. It distorts totally everything sent from the
computer until I turn the radio keyer off. What am I missing here?? Does
anyone else have this combination working? and if so, how are your paddles
and interface cables hooked up?? Is this a possible menu issue?? Any help
would be greatly appreciated. 

73  Ted VE3SS

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