[Yaesu] CAT on FT1000MP Mark V problem...........!!!!

Alex Seifert YV4BU yv4bu-dx at cantv.net
Wed May 31 18:41:57 EDT 2006


Tnx for all for info received about my request. The problem was exactly as
indicated by John W4DJ and Guy ON4AOI I do it my own cable and now the
computer talks with the radio.

73 Alex

-----Mensaje original-----
De: yaesu-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:yaesu-bounces at contesting.com] En
nombre de John- W4DJ
Enviado el: Lunes, 29 de Mayo de 2006 01:48 p.m.
Para: yaesu at contesting.com
Asunto: Re: [Yaesu] CAT on FT1000MP Mark V problem...........!!!!

The Cable has to be a straght through cable.
Pin 1 to 1 on the other end
Pin 2 to 2 on the other end etc...

I'll bet thats your problem Test your cable to make sure its a straght 
through Cable.
I had to search for an old straght through cable for mine.
GL de John W4DJ

>From: "Alex Seifert YV4BU" <yv4bu-dx at cantv.net>
>To: <yaesu at contesting.com>
>Subject: [Yaesu] CAT on FT1000MP  Mark V problem...........!!!!
>Date: Mon, 29 May 2006 12:54:43 -0400
>I recently bought an FT1000Mp Mark V, and I have some problems to link the
>radio with the computer. I have a new cable RS-232 for the interface, the
>computers ports are working 100%( works ok with other radios), and I test
>the link with 3 different programs but NO communications with the radio. Is
>any configurations procedure in the radio that I can not see in the manual?
>I appreciate any help about that
>73 Alex
>Yaesu mailing list
>Yaesu at contesting.com

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