[Yaesu] A Yaesu spotted on TV

Reicher, James JReicher at hrblock.com
Thu Sep 28 13:02:12 EDT 2006

I don't know... sounds like many of the types I meet at hamfests and
club meetings. :)

73 de N8AU, Jim in Raymore, MO

Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 20:55:56 -0400
From: "Darrell Gordon" <w4cx at bellsouth.net>
Subject: Re: [Yaesu] A Yaesu spotted on TV
To: <yaesu at mailman.qth.net>, <yaesu at contesting.com>
Cc: nh6cj at yahoo.com
Message-ID: <011501c6e298$db35f290$6501a8c0 at w4cx>
Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"

Didn't see it but heard from local clubmembers that the 'ham' on the
was rough, dirty, and a very unpleasant sort.  They complained that CBS
"didn't do hams any favors" by portraying them that way.  

Darrell W4CX

-----Original Message-----
From: yaesu-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:yaesu-bounces at contesting.com]
Behalf Of John Geiger
Sent: Wednesday, September 27, 2006 8:43 PM
To: yaesu at mailman.qth.net; yaesu at contesting.com
Cc: nh6cj at yahoo.com
Subject: [Yaesu] A Yaesu spotted on TV

I was just setting up the VCR to tape "Criminal Minds"
to watch later tonight, so I had the TV set to CBS
while programming it.  Suddenly I heard Morse Code,
and first thought that I had left the HT on and was
hearing the repeater ID.  But no, the code was coming
from the TV.  I missed the first bit of it, but the
last word was "Schools".

Right after that you got to see a nice Yaesu FT101
model (couldn't tell which one), and what looked like
a Shure desk mic hooked to it.  

The show was "Jerico" and glad to see that one of the
producers has fine taste in equipment.  Anyone else
see this?

73s John W5TD

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